0: 무명@죠죠 2023/03/01 00:00
나 「I'll be the roundabout...(이 다음은 모르는데... 망했다)」
1: 무명@죠죠 2023/03/01 00:04
평소에 노래에 관심이 많고, 죠죠를 좋아하는 나에게는 이런 건 껌이지!!
2: 무명@죠죠 2023/03/01 00:08
샤이닝~ 저스티스~ 메바에테~
브렌뉴~배드타운~ 고사스루~이부키~
미사키카라 쇼카세~ 톤네루노케 탯토에~
히카레아이즈 고미치니~ 마요이코무~
랫더 보이스업 러브~ 땡큐 하이어~
아스마 느 치카라테~ 토키사에~ 코에데~
원문: https://yayoflake.tistory.com/654
3: 무명@죠죠 2023/03/01 00:08
They're accusing, like always without knowing
What is just fiction or what is the truth
They have no mission, they have no passion
But they dare to tell us what's bad and what's good!
Stand up, join us, modern crusaders alive
We have the power who'll face the future
Cause we are the fighters
Just fighting for our rights
Est affectus
Et defectus
Semper in angaria.
Quod per sortem
Sternit fortem,
Mecum omnes plangite!
Nunc obdurat
Et tunc curat
Ludo mentis aciem,
Stand up, join us, modern crusaders alive
We have the power who'll face the future
Cause we are the fighters
Just fighting for our fights
Stand up, join us, modern crusaders alive!
Modern Crusaders, 좋아.
7: 무명@죠죠 2023/03/01 00:11
무조건 합격이다. 바로 부장으로 가라.
4: 무명@죠죠 2023/03/01 00:09
The word will make you out and out~
I'll spend the day~ your way~~
Call it morning driving thru the sound of in and out of valley~
5: 무명@죠죠 2023/03/01 00:10
오프닝밖에 모른다고 난
6: 무명@죠죠 2023/03/01 00:11
Walk Like an Egyptian
8: 무명@죠죠 2023/03/01 00:12
3부의 엔딩 Last Train Home을 불러보겠습니다
" "
23: 무명@죠죠 2023/03/01 00:35
이 >>8 제법이다
24: 무명@죠죠 2023/03/01 00:36
그럼 멜로디를 흥얼거려 보세요.
9: 무명@죠죠 2023/03/01 00:12
walk like an Egyptian. . .
어... 음... 다음은...
10: 무명@죠죠 2023/03/01 00:13
11: 무명@죠죠 2023/03/01 00:14
나는야 홀호스 마탄의 사수라 네에에에에에에에에~~~~~~~~~~~
12: 무명@죠죠 2023/03/01 00:14
젠장 이걸 까먹었다!!
13: 무명@죠죠 2023/03/01 00:15
오잉고 보잉고 브라더즈!!
오레와 오잉고 헨신데키루제에~~~~~
신쵸오, 타이쥬우, 니오이마데모 오모이노마마사~~~~~~~
14: 무명@죠죠 2023/03/01 00:17
All the old paintings on the tombs
They do the sand dance don't you know
If they move too quick
(oh whey oh)
They're falling down like a domino
All the bazaar men by the Nile
They got the money on a bet
Gold crocodiles (oh whey oh)
They snap their teeth on your cigarette
Foreign types with the hookah pipes say
Ay oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh
Walk like an egyptian
The blonde waitresses take
Their trays
They spin around and they cross the floor
They've got the moves
(oh whey oh)
you drop your drink then they bring you more
all the school kids so sick of books
they like the punk and the metal band
When the buzzer rings (oh whey oh)
They're walking like an Egyptian
All the kids in the marketplace say
Ay oh ay oh, ay oh whey oh
Walk like an Egyptian
Slide your feet up the street bend you back
Shift you arm then you pull it back
Life is hard you know
(oh whey oh)
so strike a pose on a Cadillac
if you want to find al the cops
they're hanging out in the donut shop
They sing and dance (oh whey oh)
Spin the clubs cruise down the block
All the Japanese with their yen
The party boys call the Kremlin
And the Chinese know (oh whey oh)
They walk the line like Egyptian
All the cops in the donut shop say
Ay oh whey oh, Ay oh whey oh
Walk like an Egyptian
Walk like an Egyptian
15: 무명@죠죠 2023/03/01 00:18
ㅇ... 완곡!!!
17: 무명@죠죠 2023/03/01 00:20
18: 무명@죠죠 2023/03/01 00:25
빠 바밤 빠바밤 빠밤빠밤빠밤빠밤빠밤빠밤빠밤빠밤 빰빰 빠밤 빠바밤 빠밤 빠밤 빠바밤 바빰 빠밤 빠라빠라빠라빠라빠라빠라빠라빠라밤
19: 무명@죠죠 2023/03/01 00:29
신지테루제! 신지테루요! 오잉고 보잉고 브라더즈!
오레와 오잉고 헨신데키루우~~~~ 신쵸오, 타이쥬우, 니오이마데모 오모이노마마사~~~~~~~~~~~
20: 무명@죠죠 2023/03/01 00:33
스탠덥! 스탠덥! 스탠덥!
21: 무명@죠죠 2023/03/01 00:33
오프닝입니다. 탈락!
22: 무명@죠죠 2023/03/01 00:33
룩인투마 이블아이즈...
25: 무명@죠죠 2023/03/01 00:45
4부 엔딩 I want you 좋아해서 엄청 많이 듣긴 했는데 그거랑 별개로 가사가 너무 어렵다
28: 무명@죠죠 2023/03/01 09:55
In and around the lake♬
27: 무명@죠죠 2023/03/01 00:51
나「Every time I close my eyes... I wake up feelin' so horny...🌹」
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